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2 Night Club Combo Activity for Stag Weekends

2 Night Club Combo

Got two nights to go crazy in the city? Then have we got news (and booze) for you! Chaps, we are delighted to present the two night club combo, the stag weekend's answer to the Holy Grail.

Over two evenings, you lucky people will be treated to the best bars, pubs, lady venues and nightclubs the city has to offer. Quaff ale in traditional boozers. Down flaming rum cocktails in Tiki bars. Do shots in pre-club DJ places. From the first pint to the final lapdance, these two evenings are going to redefine the way you think about fun!

Trying to work out a winning route through the drinking establishments of an unfamiliar city can be a tall order at the best of times. When you're doing it on the go, with a crowd of overexcited lads who've been let off the leash for the weekend, it's impossible.

With our two night combo pass in the bag, all that uncertainty goes right out the window. Instead of meandering around the city centre trying to find bars full of ladies, you'll be slamming shots and getting your groove on in tried and tested stag weekend winners.

Designed to give you two varied and massive nights out, the combo doesn't stop giving until you've had enough. The only question is, can you handle it?

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This activity is available in the following destinations:

we are good to go, visit England
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