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Clay Pigeon Shooting with Lunch Activity for Stag Weekends

Clay Pigeon Shooting and Lunch

What ho, chaps! Nothing says "country squire" more than a jolly old afternoon blasting away at clay pigeons. And with a spot of lunch thrown in for good measure, you really will get to recreate every last element of a posh shooting party!

We offer a range of lipsmacking stag weekend treats to go with your stag weekend shooting afternoon. Depending on location, you could be tucking into hearty portions of bangers and mash, local specialties or proper pub grub. Yumsk!

There are plenty of options in the shooting department, too. Once you've mastered the art of basic clay pigeon shooting, some of our venues give you the option to get serious with massive Magnum shells. If you absolutely, positively have to destroy every clay in the room, these bad boys will give you the competitive edge!

Clay pigeon shooting is also the perfect opportunity for some proper stag weekend fancy dress shenanigans! Get your tweeds on and don't forget the monocles. If you're not twirling moustaches and swigging single malt from silver hip flasks, there's something wrong with you.

Note: don't actually bring whisky in a hip flask. Shooting instructors don't take kindly to drunkards wielding shotguns. Save the booze for afterwards!

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