Smokin' hot dancers and reasonably priced drinks. It would be rude not to.
The essential ingredient for any memorable Sofia stag weekend! We'll arrange VIP lap dance club entry in advance so you don't have to waste valuable time trying to find a decent venue once you're there.
A female guide will whisk your Sofia stag party off to the best lap dancing club in the city.
Arranging VIP lap dance club entry before your Sofia stag weekend will also ensure you avoid the tourist traps. There'll be no buying the nice lady a drink for £50! Your group will get to ogle gorgeous topless dancers with fabulous bodies without paying a king's ransom for the privilege.
The groom may not remember much about his Sofia stag weekend but one thing's for sure - the sight of bare-breasted beautiful Bulgarian women gyrating away with wild abandon will be etched onto his eyeballs forever.
From Only £19.00 per Person