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London Beer Goggle Football

Beer goggle football is every bit as batshit as it sounds. If you want to do something hilarious and crazy as all hell on a London stag do, this is the event for you. Play football and offshoot games wearing drunk goggles. It's a stroke of genius and everyone's losing their minds over it. Literally. You'll have a massive weird moment when you first put a pair of these big-ass glasses on. It really is like being drunk! An event coordinator will be around to set everything up and organise the games. All you have to do is play. How hard can it be?

Pretty hard as it turns out, but so funny! Fall over your own feet. A lot. Stand there with your mouth open like a goldfish squinting to see the goalpost. Get really confused by cone drills. Pick on the stag by making him wear his goggles when no one else is wearing theirs.

When you've committed enough crimes against the beautiful game, retire to the bench and open the complimentary bottle of bubbly. You get a group photo as well, to remind you of the time you all played football like a bunch of drunk people.

Beer goggle football is a no brainer for a London stag do. It ticks all the boxes. Competitive? Yes, but in a laid back kind of way. Comedy value? Loads. Banter? Enough to keep you going till the next time someone decides to get hitched. Tell us when you're in town. We'll get the goggles out, pitch booked and games on!

In a nutshell:

  • Beer goggle football event in London
  • Private activity
  • Venue for 1 hour
  • All equipment is provided
  • Dedicated event coordinator
  • Bubbly
  • Team photo
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