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Cable Skiing Experience for Stag Weekends

Cable Skiing

Waves? Who needs waves? With a single stroke of stag weekend genius, we've done away with the need for perfect water conditions. We've even done away with the need for noisy boats. Welcome to the future of watersports - cable skiing!

Using a unique cable loop system, this awesome alternative to the traditional water ski sees you harnessed to a motorised zip line, which whizzes you around a lake at high speed. You'll get a quick safety briefing and detailed instruction from the experts, then it's up to you to put the moves down. In our European locations, there's a good chance you'll be watched by bikini-clad hotties, so make sure you know your 180s from your cutbacks!

Cable skiing is a stag weekend winner, a low maintenance version of one of the most popular watersports in the world. Unlike the boat-driven style, which involves plenty of changes in direction to keep momentum going, you'll be pulled in a straight line for easier manoeuvering.

A perfect mix of athleticism, adrenaline and total cool, cable skiing is guaranteed to bring dazed stags back to life. What are you waiting for, bros? Step up and get some air.

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we are good to go, visit England
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